Silly Saturday: Wicked Wink

About krikitarts

Welcome to Krikit Arts! I'm a veterinarian; photographer; finger-style guitarist, composer, instructor, and singer/songwriter; fisherman; and fly-tyer. Please enjoy--and please respect my full rights to all photos on this Website!
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9 Responses to Silly Saturday: Wicked Wink

  1. sandy says:

    I would think twice before reaching for this one!

  2. Oh my. Look at those incisors. I’d hire this cat to protect me!

  3. krikitarts says:

    He’s really not a watch cat. He’s much more likely to approach a new visitor with his tail up and apply the inviting ankle/calf rub. He loves to be reached for, and the longer you pet him, the better he likes it!

  4. wolke205 says:

    Awwwwwwwwww -how gorgeous! Keep an eye on Leo or we steal this lovely cat :D

  5. krikitarts says:

    He is one of my favorite subjects, and he hardly ever disappoints. You’d have a lot of trouble trying to snatch him, though, since (1) he never goes outside, (2) we do keep our eyes on him, and (3) Limo is a fantastic watch dog and does not allow anyone near the house without an uproarious notification. On the other hand, I don’t blame you–he is a truly wonderful cat, one of the two best we’ve ever had. (The other was Jessica, in Berlin, 40 years ago. This gives me an idea for a new post–past pets…)

  6. giannina says:

    what a lovely shot. that face is hilarious! :D

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